Jaipur,Rajasthan, India

Pre School

The most important years of learning begin at birth. During these early years, humans are capable of absorbing more information than later on. The brain grows most rapidly in the early years. High quality teachers and preschools have a long term effect on improving individuals. Also a preschool is universally expected to increase the young child's ability to perform basic self-care tasks such as dressing, feeding, and toileting.

Typical activities at our preschools are aimed at Personal, Social, Economic and Emotional development, Communication- talking and listening, World Knowledge and Understanding, Creative and Aesthetic Development, Mathematical Awareness, Physical Development, Physical Health, Teamwork, Self-help skills, Social skills, Scientific thinking, Literacy and a lot of Playtime. These activities are for children between the ages of three and five, or seven, prior to the commencement of compulsory education at primary school.

The curriculum incorporates various methods of teaching, such as those laid down by Montessori and Waldorf. It is designed for differing ages. For example, counting to 10 is generally after the age of four.Children are taught to work harmoniously in large and small groups, and to develop cooperativeness, kindness and social consciousness. An important goal is to provide a rich social environment that increasingly isolated nuclear families may not provide, in our current society.